Why Hire me as your divorce coach?
Fearful to leave an unhealthy relationship because of the kids?
- I was too
Scared of your financial future if you get a divorce?
- I was too
Unsure of where to begin once you decide to get divorced?
- I was too
Wondering if you’ll ever recover from the hurt and anger?
- I was too
The list could go on and on. Fear is the number one emotion I hear from people surrounding divorce. But fear is just an unanswered question. The more you arm yourself with knowledge, guidance and tools, the easier it is to tackle both the process of divorce and the emotional toll. Like I said, I made my divorce twice as expensive and longer than it needed to be. I didn’t know what I didn’t know and that cost me time, money and emotional stress. It was only working with my own divorce coach that got me in a place to where I could start making real progress.
It was during this life-changing journey that I discovered my passion for helping others navigate this difficult terrain. Drawing upon my own experiences and extensive training as a Certified Divorce Coach, I have developed a comprehensive approach to support clients at every stage of the divorce process.
While divorce may at times feel like an uphill battle, we can simplify this complicated journey together. With my guidance, you won't have to face it alone. Let's start by taking things one step at a time and addressing each challenge as it comes.
Guidance + Support Include
Understanding the Divorce Process
Building the Right Divorce Team
Telling the Children about the Divorce
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Mediation Preparation
Parenting + Support Plan Creation
Co-parenting Communication
Impact on Children
Emotional Management
Reclaiming your Independence
Dating after Divorce
In addition, I have expertise and experience in families with addiction concerns and betrayal trauma and recovery.